What is the examples library?
This library is a free collection of Atomic.io Action Flow templates to help you find and implement use case ideas faster. You can browse and interact with example cards, and read about how they're built.
Do I need an Atomic workbench account?
You don't need a workbench login to browse the library, but to clone examples into your account, you will need to be able to log in and have appropriate permissions.
How do I use the examples?
Each example is intended as a jumping off point only. You will need to clone it, or rebuild it in your environment. Cloning examples does not clone triggers and we strongly recommend carefully reviewing examples you clone, to ensure they meet your needs before publishing.
Can I make a request
Please do! Contact your customer success rep or other team members. Use the Support link in the main menu if you don't have the contact details of a team member.